20, Jun 2007
Corn Patties

For some reason I had the idea of making some kind of corn patties — the idea being to mix corn with a few ingredients to get it to stick together and then fry them in oil like pancakes or latkes. I wanted something with a nice corn flavor, plus…

16, Jun 2007
Spaghetti with Sausage and Tomato Sauce

I wanted to make a basic spaghetti sauce with meat, using our homemade chicken sausages. This one didn’t quite work out — it didn’t quite come together as sauce, and instead was sort of chunky and raw tomatoey. Maybe if it had simmered for another hour.

16, Jun 2007
Spicy Chicken Sausages

A couple weeks ago we made proper spicy Italian pork sausages. They were really good. Our goal this time was to use chicken to make them healthier, but keep them juicy and tasty. Chicken (and pork) sausages you buy in the store have tons of sodium — these have much…

16, Jun 2007
Dark n Spicy Brined Chicken

last week’s lime-brined chicken worked well – I had it all week, and it stayed moist and tasty. this week I wanted to try something with more of a dark/sweet/smoky/spicy flavor. I used molasses and soy for a nice dark color, and complemented the molasses with garlic, smoked pepper, and…

11, Jun 2007
Lime-Brined Grilled Chicken

I wanted to make a bunch of chicken to have for leftovers during the week. I’ve been disappointed with leftover chicken from boneless breasts — it always seems to be dry, even if it was moist and juicy when cooked. So I decided to grill some breasts with skin and…

7, Jun 2007
Chicken with Tomato Sauce and Noodles

I just wanted to make a simple sauce to stir-fry some chicken in, to serve over noodles.